
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2016

Margaret Thatcher's Quotes

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become. My father always said that. And I think I am fine". "If you want to change this party, lead it. If you want to change the country, lead it". "I love you so much but, I will never be one of those women, Denis. Who stays silent and pretty on the arm of her husband. Or remote and alone in the kitchen - doing the washing up, for that matter. One's life must matter, Dennis. Beyond all the cooking and the cleaning and the children. One's life must mean more than that. I cannot die washing up a teacup! I mean it, Denis. Say you understand". "We will stand on principle... or we will not stand at all". I'm just get amazed by her quotes on The Iron Lady movie. That's why I...

I think I'm getting older quickly

Pernah ingat gak dulu waktu kecil pengen banget buru-buru dewasa? Tapi pas udah dewasa gini merasa kangen banget sama masa kecil? So yea, this is what I feel. I'm so tired of being alone and must study over and over to prepare SBMPTN for the next year. I'm so scared bout my future. bout my study, career, and also future husband too haha im sure this is the majority goals every girls that want to get married with someone she's love (but its not my priority right now). Gara-gara kesendirian ini, kebanyakan waktu aku lebih sering gunain buat merenung hahaha. Ok I dont even know why I am gonna be like that. aku takut banget ntar mau jadi apa? ntar bisa apa nggak ya menggapai wishlist wishlist dari yang kecil ampe besar :') I'm so scared with the failure mengingat usia juga makin nambah. Oh Lord, you are my hope. Everyday I work hard and pray hard. I wish I can be the greatest woman version of me in the future. Semoga kelak bisa sukses dalam ridho-Mu aamiin :)))